Jean Monnet


Jean Monnet Programme has transformed into Jean Monnet Actions under ERASMUS+ Programme since 2014.

Erasmus+: Jean Monnet Action aims to support activities carried out by institutions and associations active in the field of European Union studies.

Projects under the Action Jean Monnet Support to institutions and associations have a duration of 3 years.


Jean Monnet supports institutions that enhance teacher and training activities on European Union subjects at the postgraduate level and/or for other relevant stakeholders. It also fosters activities aimed at elaborating, analysing and popularizing European Union subjects and their teaching.


Jean Monnet supports associations that have as their explicit purpose to contribute to the study of the European integration process.

Such associations should be interdisciplinary and open to all interested professors, teachers and researchers specialising in European Union issues in the relevant country or region. They should be representative of the academic community in European Union studies at regional, national or supranational level.

Support will be given only to associations that are officially registered and have independent legal status.

Calls are open with deadline February 26, 2015. The Erasmus+ Programme Guide includes Jean Monnet Actions Chapters at p.p. 188-214

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