• Iyul 15, 2019
  • 428

The Higher Education Reform Experts (HERE) study visit on “Institutional structures for the management of internationalisation and mobility” was organized by the SPHERE team in close cooperation with Technische Universität Berlin from 17 to 19 May 2015.

The aim of the seminar was to offer HEREs an opportunity to learn and discuss about institutional strategies and structures for internationalisation and mobility from universities in Berlin, with a special focus on TU Berlin. Participants were encouraged to discuss and explore different types of mobility and internationalisation approaches that universities are managing and better understand how they may be connected strategically and operationally. Presentations were also made on the German national framework for higher education internationalisation and related support funding and programmes. Around 30 participants from 17 EU Partner Countries attended the event.
Azerbaijan HEREs representative Ms. Jala Garibova has participated in this seminar.

Seminar documents

List of participants
